Vibe Meaning in Bengali

Vibe (noun / verb) – /vʌɪb/ | ভাইব

Vibe Meaning in Bengali

⏩ আবহ

⏩ যে কোন ব্যক্তির মেজাজ সম্পর্কে আভাস পাওয়া

⏩ কোন স্থান বা পরিবেশের সাময়িক আবহ

⏩ কোনও ব্যক্তির সংবেদনশীল অবস্থার আভাস পাওয়া

Vibe Meaning in English

⏩ Noun: a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.

⏩ Verb: transmit or give out (a feeling or atmosphere).

Vibe Synonyms

⏩ Omen

⏩ Clue

⏩ Harbinger

⏩ Foretoken

⏩ Premonition

⏩ Caution

⏩ Foreboding

⏩ Presage

⏩ Augury

⏩ Hunch

⏩ Prognostic

⏩ Warning

⏩ Threat

⏩ Sign

⏩ Funny feeling

⏩ Feeling

⏩ Mood

⏩ Atmosphere

⏩ Palpation

⏩ Impression

Vibe Antonyms

⏩ Doom

⏩ Providence

⏩ Physicality

⏩ Peach

⏩ Insensitivity

⏩ Apathy

⏩ Calmness

⏩ Ignorance

Vibe Sentence Examples

⏩ I’m sensing a bit of an evil vibe here.

⏩ I get a positive vibe from him.

⏩ Clearly, there’s a vibe going on between them.

⏩ Maybe Mahfuj is getting a straight vibe from Jahid.

⏩ Wait, this is kind of a paranormal vibe here.

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