Savage Meaning in Bengali

Hi, Do you know! The Savage Meaning in Bengali? Here is the Savage Meaning for School and college students with Bengali translation.

Savage (noun / adjective / verb) – স্যা’ভেজ্‌ | /ˈsævɪdʒ/

Savage Meaning in Bengali

⏩ নিষ্ঠুর ব্যক্তি;

⏩ বর্বর লোক;

⏩ অসভ্য লোক;

⏩ অমার্জিত ব্যক্তি

⏩ আদিম;

⏩ হিংস্র;

⏩ নির্মম;

⏩ অত্যন্ত ক্রুদ্ধ;

⏩ অসভ্য;

⏩ বন্য;

⏩ বর্বর;

⏩ বুনো;

⏩ ক্রুর;

⏩ নিষ্ঠুর;

⏩ আক্রমণ করা;

⏩ নিষ্ঠুর আচরণ করা;

⏩ কামড়ানো;

⏩ পদদলিত করা;

Savage Meaning in English

Noun: a brutal or vicious person.

Adjective: (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.

Verb: (especially of a dog or wild animal) attack ferociously and maul.

Savage Synonyms

⏩ Cannibal

⏩ Primitive

⏩ Wildman

⏩ Barbarian

⏩ Sadist

⏩ Demon

⏩ Ogre

⏩ Monster

⏩ Animal

⏩ Beast

⏩ Brute

⏩ Heathen

⏩ Fatal

⏩ Lethal

⏩ Mortal

⏩ Ruinous

⏩ Calamitous

⏩ Catastrophic

⏩ Dreadful

⏩ Awful

⏩ Terrible

⏩ Crippling

⏩ Devasting

⏩ Crushing

⏩ Severe

⏩ Wild

⏩ Fierce

⏩ Ferocious

⏩ Ravening

⏩ Predatory

⏩ Attack

⏩ Maul

⏩ Bite

⏩ Mutilate

⏩ Claw

⏩ Lacerate

⏩ Mangle

⏩ Worry

Savage Antonyms

⏩ Civilized

⏩ Tame

⏩ Gentle

⏩ Peaceful

⏩ Tender

⏩ Calm

⏩ Kind

⏩ Polite

⏩ Refined

⏩ Polished

⏩ Cultured

⏩ Nice

⏩ Innocent

⏩ Humane

⏩ Nonviolent

Also learn: Right Form of Verbs: Rules, Examples & Exercise

Savage Sentence Examples

⏩ Packs of savage dogs roamed the streets.

⏩ The decision was a savage blow for the town.

⏩ Police are rounding up dogs after a girl was savaged.

⏩ Sometimes police behave like savages to poor people.

⏩ In Game of Thrones, the people of the North were considered savages.

⏩ Until the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Arabs were known as a savage nation.

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