Present Perfect Continuous Tense Quiz

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Quiz


Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1 / 10

It has _____ snowing a lot this week.

2 / 10

I'm tired because I _____ been working out.

3 / 10

My sister has been traveling _____ three months.

4 / 10

________ your brother and sister been getting along?

5 / 10

Sabbir _____ been studying hard this semester.

6 / 10

Has it _____ raining since you arrived?

7 / 10

He has ________ too hard today.

8 / 10

Did you know she's been teaching English _____ ten years?

9 / 10

Jerin ________ living in Thailand since May.

10 / 10

We have been watching TV _____ we had dinner.

Your score is

The average score is 73%
