Present Continuous Tense Quiz

Present Continuous Tense Quiz

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Present Continuous Tense

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1 / 10

Thomas and Patrick __________ outside in the yard now.

2 / 10

Jerin: ________ are you doing?
Kamrul: I'm taking a test.

3 / 10

Riad: Is your friend sitting down?
Tanvir: No, ________

4 / 10

They __________ eating their dinner right now because their food is too hot.

5 / 10

Jahid: Are you studying English now?
Sabbir: Yes, I ___________

6 / 10

It's very noisy upstairs!
What ___________?

7 / 10

He usually goes for a walk at this time, but he _______ for a walk now.

8 / 10

I _______ dinner because we ordered pizza a few minutes ago.

9 / 10

What ________ that cat doing over there by the chair?

10 / 10

(A) Are they working now?

(B) No, they _________

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The average score is 76%
