My Dream Paragraph with Suitable Goals

A dream is a way of shaping one’s destiny and directing one’s life in the right direction. If we allow ourselves to dream large, we’ll be more motivated to put in the effort required to realize our goals.

My Dream Paragraph

My Dream Paragraph: 100 Words

Becoming a respected Cardiologist is my dream goal. My first aim is to do heart transplant surgery. In other words, I’ve officially begun getting ready. I’ve learned everything about the cardiovascular system and how blood flows. Knowing that my negligence might end a patient’s life motivates me to put in long, hard hours for the next four to five years.

Nonetheless, I will never leave my dream job. I vow to myself that despite setbacks, I will persevere and ultimately succeed. I want to work as hard as I can and make my parents proud by becoming a renowned Cardiologist

Paragraph on My Dream: 200 Words

Every single one of us has dreams and objectives. Becoming a master chef is one of my dream goals. It’s no exaggeration to say that our dreams significantly shape our destiny. There’s a proverb that goes something like, “If you can dream it, you can be it.”

In other words, if you put in the time and effort, your dreams may come true. Pursuing one’s dreams tirelessly is easier said than done, but if one is willing to put up 100% effort and never give up, anything is possible.

I must approach things slowly and methodically as I work toward my goal. While my ultimate dream is to become a world-renowned chef, I know that it is in my best interest to work progressively and steadily toward this goal by establishing both long-term and short-term objectives.

One little step at a time reminds me to relax and not make any hasty judgments. Since I am still a student, there isn’t much I can do right now to expedite the achievement of my dream of becoming a world-class chef.

But I have the aspiration and willpower to work towards my goal. I want to open a restaurant where I will serve my gourmet cuisine to famous people and celebrities.

300 Words Paragraph on My Dream

Every day, I make it a point to go away from my responsibilities for a little while so that I may reflect on my dreams and the things I want to accomplish. My dream is to make it in the business world as a prosperous entrepreneur.

The business industry has always been something that has intrigued me. Since my dad is an entrepreneur, I’ve always had a strong desire to either work in the corporate world or run my own business someday.

The fact that I have a dream isn’t enough to make it come true; I also have to put in the effort to make it happen. Because running a company is not quite as simple as it may seem at first glance, the very first thing I need to do is have a strong grasp on the fundamentals of what a company truly is.

My journey toward realizing my goal will begin with this step. Following the completion of my secondary education, I have decided to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration at a well-known institution (BBA).

I plan to get my Master of Business Administration degree when I finish my Bachelor of Business Administration degree. By that time, I will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of how a business operates, which will enable me to realize my ambition and fulfill my dream.

In addition to the academic aspect, I can always depend on my father to provide me with the practical experiences and advice that will assist me in molding my ambition. This will bring me one step closer to realizing my dream of being a prosperous businessman.

I have also begun reading magazines and watching interviews about successful businesses and their success stories to obtain some insight that will be of use to me in the long run.


No dream is too big and impossible to achieve. We as human beings have proved that our willpower has led us to land on the moon. So it is important to dream big and march forward to it with dedication.

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