Future Simple Tense Quiz

Future Simple Tense Quiz: Choose the right answer.


Future Simple Tense Quiz

1 / 10

It ________ tomorrow.

2 / 10

I'm going to the grocery store. I think _____ buy a turkey.

3 / 10

We will _____ what your mother says.

4 / 10

Will your friends _____ before Friday?

5 / 10

I don't ________ go swimming today.

6 / 10

Will you _____ at the rehearsal on Monday?

7 / 10

We won't ________ until we get there.

8 / 10

She _____ arrive on time.

9 / 10

We _____ get there until after dark.

10 / 10

I ________ back before Thursday.

Your score is

The average score is 56%
