Duties of a Good Citizen Paragraph for Class 9

The duties of a good citizen are also an expression of patriotism. A good citizen loves his country and tries to do all the duties that support the nation. A good citizen is always true to their duties and is honest in his work.

Duties of a Good Citizen: 100 Words paragraph

Having good citizens is what builds nations and develops. A good citizen always thinks for the prosperity of his nation and works accordingly. Anyone can be a good citizen which means you can be a good citizen too. All you need to do is perform a few duties so that you can claim yourself one. The first thing you need to do is love your motherland by heart and respect it. This means you are not allowed to commit any treason or illegal activities which can damage your country’s reputation. You have to respect your country, its constitution, and the great leaders.

Duties of a Good Citizen Paragraph for Class 9

Paragraph on Duties of a Good Citizen: 200 Words

To be a citizen of a nation there are two ways. One is the common way where a person is born in a country, he gets citizenship automatically by birth. The second way is a bit more complicated and applies to foreign people who were born in other nations. When a person from outside of the country moves here and establishes a permanent residence, that person is required to follow certain procedures and submit a citizenship application. A citizen is responsible for some activities. For him to develop into a respectable citizen, he has to carry out these obligations.

As a reward for citizens’ cooperation with these duties, the nation gives a privilege of facilities and benefits. First and foremost, you need to have an extraordinary amount of love for your own country. You are not allowed to entertain any thoughts that are potentially harmful to your nation. That is an issue of morality. A real patriot is an upstanding member of the community. He is highly patriotic and loves his nation. They never back down when it comes to protecting their nation. They have the intention of refining the nation. So you have to have the mind of a patriot to become a good citizen and thus pay taxes in time.

See also: A Good Teacher Paragraph for Class 6, 7, and 8

Duties of a Good Citizen paragraph: 300 words

A good citizen must acquire a sense of responsibility and special attributes. It is a truth that a good citizen is responsible for some obligations and duties that he must fulfill. On the other hand, as a citizen of a free state, he is entitled to several benefits, including rights and privileges. Even though he is entitled to participate in any aspect of national affairs, including the judicial, legal, political, religious, and societal factors, he nonetheless has some duties to perform. He must not hurt others’ sentiments and beliefs and watch out for those who are more defenseless. Under any conditions, he has the primary and absolute responsibility of upholding his allegiance to the country and the community.

Being a good citizen comes with various roles and it doesn’t have to be always extreme. Being a good citizen can mean sacrificing or fighting against enemies. On the other hand, ensuring the rights of the nations so that the other citizens can have a prosperous life is also part of the duties of being a good citizen.

A good citizen respects the traditions and customs of their own nation. He ought to show respect for the great leaders, prophets, sages, and saints of his nation. He must have respect for the race that he was born into. He must never forget about the prospects for the future of his nation.

Working hard in an honest manner is the only way for him to improve his nation’s standard of living. Citizens must be willing to give their life for the sake of their homeland if it comes under invasion from a foreign power. As a result, the most important responsibility that a good citizen may have is to ensure the safety of their nation.


Good citizens are the backbone of a nation. It is important to be responsible and perform our duties for the nation and always think about prosperity.

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